XXXIX Argentinian Congress on Computational Mechanics
I Argentine-Uruguayan Congress on Computational Mechanics
November 6 to 9 | Concordia - Salto
The ENIEF/MECOM series of conferences, sponsored by the Argentine Association of Computational Mechanics, are annual meetings aimed at disseminating scientific and technological information on computational methods in engineering. In addition, they seek to encourage scientific and professional exchange regarding the use of numerical methods and computational techniques in both research and transfer to the industrial sector.
On this occasion, the first joint conference between Argentina and Uruguay is taking place. It is worth noting that this instance arises as a result of a previous collaboration between computational mechanics researchers from both countries, who have participated in courses and research projects, as well as academic stays in different centers in both nations. This has allowed for a fruitful exchange of resources and knowledge, which in turn has favored the development and advancement of research in the region.
The formation of a scientific community in Argentina and Uruguay in the field of computational mechanics is a noteworthy fact, as it has allowed for greater information exchange and the carrying out of joint activities that have benefited both countries. Therefore, this conference will seek to.
President: Ing. José Jorge Penco – UTN, Argentina
Vice-presidents: Ing. Fabián Andrés Avid – UTN, Argentina Lic. Agustín Horacio Leyes – UTN, Argentina
Co Organizer: Dr. Pablo Gamazo – UDELAR, Uruguay
Coordinators: Ing. Lucas Bessone – UTN/UDELAR Dra. Eugenia Garat – UTN, Argentina Dra. Elena Alvareda – UDELAR, Uruguay
Srta. Micaela Ramírez – UTN, Argentina
President: Dr. Mario Storti – UNL FICH, Argentina
Vice-president: Dr. Pablo Gamazo – UDELAR, Uruguay
Local members: Dra. Eugenia Garat – UTN, Argentina Dr. Omar Faure – UTN, Argentina Dra. Viviana Rougier – UTN, Argentina Dr. Pablo Ezzatti – UDELAR, Uruguay
The abstract and paper submission will be done through OCS system of AMCA. For that purpose, the author should go into the following link and follow the instruction: