The registration fee varies with the category of inscription and the date of payment according to the following table:
AMCA Member*
No AMCA Member*
For every additional job*
(Currency: ARS)
AMCA members can simultaneously pay the annual fee with the congress registration fee.
The value of the annual fee is:
Additional Information:
The payment of registration fees for MECOM 2022 should be done through:
Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional
CUIT: 30-67840582-1 Güemes 3450 – (3000) – Santa Fe – Argentina
CTA.CTE: 191-340-034224/2
Banco: Banco Credicoop Coop. Ltdo.
CBU: 1910340655034003422428
SWIFT code for foreing transfers: BCOOARBA The amount of the registration fee will be converted to American dollars according to the dollar exchange rate of Banco Nación Argentina
Entering to the payment system (There is an additional financial cost for payment with credit card)