Asociacion Argentina de Mecanica Computacional, XL Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional

Tamaño de fuente: 
Modeling Drop Atomization Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Patricio Canciani, César Pairetti, Hugo Daniel Navone

Última modificación: 02-02-2025


Atomization, a process in which droplets break into smaller structures, is common in both natural and industrial contexts. The mechanisms of droplet deformation and breakup are often described through hydrodynamic instabilities, informed by experimental studies, theoretical developments, and simulations via Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In this work, Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) were employed to analyze droplet atomization under various conditions. Two models were considered for studying droplet deformation and breakup: one axisymmetric and the other threedimensional. The results showed that the deformation and fragmentation of the droplet are highly de- pendent on the Weber number. Additionally, an increase in the Weber number accelerates the onset of the fragmentation process. The three-dimensional (3D) simulations revealed perforations with a spatial distribution characterized by initial axial symmetry, which dissipates as fragmentation progresses. DNS proves valuable in such studies due to its ability to detect the droplets produced during atomization, enabling the measurement of their positions and velocities at each moment, which can be aggregated into statistical data.

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