Simulación Numérica del Flujo Viscoso 3D, en Régimen Laminar, Sobre la Pala de una Turbina Eólica

Ricardo A. Prado, Mario A. Storti, Sergio R. Idelsohn


The aim of the present work is to determine the development of a laminar three-dimensional boundary layer on a horizontal-axis wind turbine blade, by numerically solving the so-called Prandtl·s equations in a generalized curvilinear coordinate system attached to the blade. The governing equations, a coupled system of non-linear differential equations, are numerically solved applying finite difference techniques. Second order fully implicit schemes are developed, resulting in a tridiagonal system of linearized equations that is iterativelly solved applying Thomas algorithm in order to determine the velocity profiles inside the viscous layer.

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ISSN 2591-3522