Near - Wall Turbulance and the Eddy Viscosity Hypothesis

Hugo D. Pasinato, Angela O. Nieckele


This papers presents a new method to the near-wall boundary condition problem for eddy viscosity
turbulence models. By using a novel approach for near-wall turbulence, presented recently in literature, the eddy viscosity is computed as a function of mean flow characteristics and some parameters. A closure for the turbulent kinetic energy equation is proposed through which the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation are obtained for this region. The
major properties of the new approach are the physical sound of turbulence and its robustness.
Some numerical tests are presented in which the results ftom standard are examiDed, and in which, in spite of its simplicity, this method appears as a good predictor of rough effect of turbulence in the near-wall region of shear flow.

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