Determinación del Flujo Potencial Alrededor de Palas Delgadas, Alabeadas, en Rotación

Ricardo A. Prado


The aim of the present work is to determine the tri-dimensional potential field of velocities around the blade of an horizontal-axis wind turbine. This paper describes the formulation of a model for calculating the distribution of circulation and induced velocities along the span and
the chord of a blade whose geometry and far field conditions are defined. The proposed potential model is based on a panel modeling of a thin, twisted blade of finite span. The spanwise and chordwise distributions of circulation are originated by a system of straight bound vortices and a system of free vortex filaments having helical paths, that generates a prescribed fixed wake. The velocities induced by that vortex system are calculated by the Biot-Savart law.

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ISSN 2591-3522