Un Modelo Numérico para el Análisis Térmico del Proceso de Laminado Continuo de Chapas

Diego Celentano


A thermal finite element model to aimulate the twin-roll casting process is presented. The model includes
a generalised phase-change formulation with advective effects and a particular treatment of the heat transfer
condition in the roll/strip interface. These higly variable condition are closely related with the formation
of some defect that may occur even at relatively low casting speeds, when the trip mean temperature is
well below the solidus temperature of the alloy. Moreover, the simulation of a twin roll casting process for
an aluminium alloy is performed. In puticular, the relationship between casting speed, strip mean exit
temperature and the formation of defects is analyaed. Finally, the numerical results obtained with this model
are compued with experimental studies and other existing numerical solution.

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ISSN 2591-3522