Una Desigualdad para el Flujo de Calor Constante a fin de Obtener un Problema Estacionario de Stefan a Dos Fases

Domingo A. Tarzia


This paper was suggested by D.A. Tarzia, Math. Notae, 28 (1980/81), 73-89. We consider a material Ω⊂Rn with a regular boundary Γ= Γ1 U Γ2 and we suppose that the melting temperature is OºC. We impose a temperature b>0 on Γ1 and a heat flux q>0 on Γ2 . We prove there exists a constant q1> 0 such that for q>q1 we have a
two-phase steady-state Stefan problem. This result is verified numerically, using MODULEF, with two cases with analytical solutions.

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