[NotiAMCA] ASAI 2004, 20-21/SEP/2004, Cordoba

Mario Storti mstorti@intec.unl.edu.ar
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 18:57:09 -0300


ASAI 2004
VI Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
September 20-21, Cordoba, Argentina

Together with the 33rd Argentine Meetings on Informatics and Operations 


ASAI, the Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, is an annual 
event intended to be the main forum of the AI community in Argentina. The 
symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers and AI community 
members to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences on diverse topics of 
Artificial Intelligence. Previous ASAI editions stimulated presentations on 
both applications of AI and new tools and foundations currently under 

ASAI is sponsored by the Argentine Society of Informatics and Operations 
Research (SADIO). The Sixth Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence 
(ASAI 2004) will be held during 20-21 September 2004 at the Universidad 
Nacional de Cordoba, Provincia de Cordoba, Argentina.

ASAI 2004 will be part of XXXIII JAIIO, the 33rd Argentine Meetings on 
Informatics and Operations Research, organized by the Argentine Society of 
Informatics and Operations Research. The JAIIO Conference will be held 
during September 20-24, including other symposiums, tutorials and student 

Topics of particular interest include (without being limited to):

- AI Development, Tools and Methodologies
- AI Foundations (philosophy, epistemology, economics, etc.)
- Artificial Life
- Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Evolutionary Computation
- Hybrid systems (fuzzy, evolutionary, neural, symbolic, etc.)
- Innovative applications of Artificial Intelligence (Bioinformatics, 
Computational Biology, Education, Internet, Law, Music, etc.)
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Knowledge Engineering
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Planning and Scheduling
- Robotics
- Theoretical and Logical Methods
- Uncertainty

Program cochairs:

Alejandro Zunino (ISISTAN, Univ. Nac. del Centro de la Pcia. de Buenos 
Aires, Argentina)
Ignacio Ponzoni (PLAPIQUI, Universidad Nacional del Sur, CONICET, Argentina)

Program Committee Members (confirmed so far):

Gerardo Acosta (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos 
Aires, Argentina)
Analia Amandi (ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de 
Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Luis Otavio Alvares (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto 
Alegre, Brasil)
Juan Carlos Augusto (School of Computing and Mathematics, University of 
Ulster at Jordanstown, UK)
Olivier Boissier (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines Saint-Etienne, France)
Francisco Cantu (Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico)
Carlos Castro (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)
Alejandro Ceccatto (IFIR, CONICEN-Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
Carlos Ivan Chesnevar (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
Carlos Artemio Coello Coello (CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico)
Juan Manuel Corchado (GSII, Universidad de Salamanca, Espana)
Raymundo Forradellas (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina)
Raul Gallard (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina)
Gabriela P. Henning (INTEC, CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 
Jose Manuel Gutierrez Llorente  (University of Cantabria Santander, Spain)
Christian Lemaître Leon (Laboratorio Nacional de Informatica Avanzada, Mexico)
Juan Pavon Mestras (Universidad Complutense Madrid, Espana)
Maria Carolina Monard (Universidad de Sao Paulo, San Carlos, Brasil)
Geber Ramalho (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil)
Ricardo Rodriguez (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Guillermo Simari (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
Adriana Zapico (Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina)

Paper Submission

ASAI 2004 seeks original contributions in a wide spectrum of Artificial 
Intelligence, ranging from state-of-the-art academic research to industrial 
and business applications having a significant impact. The symposium will 
consist of invited talks and paper sessions presenting both mature work and 
new ideas in research and applications.

Submissions are due on May 6th 2004. Delayed submissions will most likely 
be rejected. All papers received before the deadline will be peer-reviewed 
by referees of the area.

The submissions of papers must follow the LNCS format 
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). All contributions, of 
maximum 12-page length, should be submitted by-email in ghostview-readable 
Postscript or PDF. For diffusion reasons, papers in English are strongly 
preferred (Spanish is also acceptable). A separate e-mail must be sent with 
the following information: the title of the paper, the abstract, name and 
authors affiliation (including complete address, e-mail account and 
phone/fax number). Please, specifies the corresponding author, a maximum of 
five keywords and the main topics (three, at most) the paper is related to. 
Information on the format of the camera-ready copy will be forwarded 
together with the acceptance letter. The receipt of a submission will be 
acknowledged immediately to the corresponding author.

Electronic submissions must be sent to asai2004@exa.unicen.edu.ar

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: May 6th, 2004
Notification of Acceptance: July 16th, 2004
Camera-ready papers due date: August 6th, 2004

Futher Information

For further information, please send an e-mail to: asai2004@exa.unicen.edu.ar
or visit:  http://www.exa.unicen.edu.ar/~asai2004