[NotiAMCA] VI ITLA : Italian - Latin American Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni@intec.unl.edu.ar
Thu, 5 Aug 2004 15:30:02 -0300

Estimado Victorio:
  Solicito divulgues la realización del

VI Italian - Latin American Conference on Applied and Industrial
Mathematics (VI  ITLA) Trujillo (Peru), December, 15-18, 2004

entre los asociados al AMCA pues puede haber interesados en participar y
presentar trabajos. Muchas gracias.

 Un abrazo. Recibe mis cordiales saludos.


* E-mail : Domingo.Tarzia@fce.austral.edu.ar
* Domingo Alberto Tarzia
* Depto. Matemática - CONICET
* FCE, Univ. Austral
* Paraguay 1950
* S2000FZF  Rosario, ARGENTINA.
* Tel.: 54-341-481-4990 Int. 137
* Fax: 54-341-481-0505


VI  Italian - Latin American Conference on Applied and Industrial
Trujillo, December, 15-18, 2004

Italian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - SIMAI,
Peruvian Society for Applied and Computational Mathematics - SPMAC,
Department of Mathematics of the National University of Trujillo - UNT.

First Announcement and call for papers

The Italian- Latin American Conference on Applied and Industrial
Mathematics (ITLA), is made since 1995, biennially and alternately in
Italy and Latin American. The increasing development of science,
technology and globalization we are involved in the last years make
indispensable to carry out this kind of events, which allow us, to
medium term, because the difusion of research and the
multidisciplinary scientific interchange, to solve problems of the
industry in an optimal way and low cost, using high technology. The
Italian- Latin American Conference on Applied and Industrial
Mathematics will be held, this year, in Latin America.

The variety and important use of the mathematics as well as the
complexities of  the engineering problems need of the multiple facets
of the Mathematic. Among the more important fields where these
researches have acquired higher relevance may be included the
following ones:

Partial Differential Equations
Analysis and Processing of Images
Process Operation
Optimal Control and Calculus of Variations
Mathematical Engineering
Industrial Mathematics
Stochastic Analysis  and its Applications
Numerical Analysis
Scientific Computation
Computation Fluid Dynamics and  flow in Porous Media
Wavelets and its Applications
Inverse Problems
Geometric Modeling
Computer Aided Geometric Design.
Optimal Multiple Objective Design of Systems
Computer Integrated Systems
Economic Engineering

Mario Primicerio (Italy)  cochair
Julio Ruiz Claeyssen (Brazil)
Marco Calahorrano (Ecuador)
Carlos Torres  Navarrete (México)
Obidio Rubio  Mercedes (Perú) cochair

Mario Primicerio (Italy)
Marco Antonio Raupp (Brazil)
Fabian Flores (Chile)
Franco Brezzi (Italy)
Carlos Conca (Chile)
Hugo Leiva (Venzuela)
José Alberto Cuminato (Brazil)
Edmundo Vergara (Perú)
Domingo Tarzia (Argentina)

Deadline for submission of papers:  October 10, 2004
Acceptance of papers: November 10, 2004

You can submit your articles to the following addresses. Please
Dr. Obidio Rubio: obidio@chanchan.unitru.edu.pe,
Dr. Mario Primicerio: primicer@math.unifi.it
Dr. Julio Ruiz Claeyssen: julio@mat.ufrgs.br
Dr. Fabian Flores: fflores@ing-mat.udec.cl

Trujillo city, tourist center of the north of Perú with a huge
history, relevant cultural tradition will be the seat of the VI ITLA.
Trujillo is a spring-like city, located at five hundred kms. to the
north from Lima city and very close to the Pacific ocean, it is
characterized by its colonial architecture  and  it is seated  on
ancients cities with a beautiful  architecture from Mochica until
Chimu  civilization, the first one built El Sol and La Luna huacas,
while the second one left us the CHANCHAN city, the biggest city of
the world made with bricks of mud.  After the event you will be able
to visit interesting tourist destinations in Peru as the famous Macchu
Picchu City.

Dr. Obidio Rubio Mercedes
Coordinador de Doctorado en Medio Ambiente,
Jefe de Departamento de Matematicas,
Jefe de la Oficina de Investigación(OGPRODEIN)
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Presidente - SPMAC
Decano del Colegio de Matemáticos
Región La Libertad
Telefono : (51)(44)204699,
Celular  : 9-930877