[NotiAMCA] Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Abr 7 09:58:15 ART 2005
Dear Sir/Madam,
the International Centre for Mechanical Science (CISM ) organizes
advanced course addressed to researchers and doctoral students. This
course are selected by an international Scientific Council and the
lecturers are all well known scientists from various countries.CISM
is a non-profit institution
A course by the title "Multiscale Modelling of Plasticity and
Fracture by means of Dislocation Mechanics", coordinated by
professors P. Gumbsch (University of Karlsruhe and Fraunhofer, IWM,
Germany) and R. Pippan (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Leoben,
Austria), will be given from July 4 to 8, 2005.
Understanding the fundamentals of plastic deformation and fracture of
crystalline materials is directly related to dislocation theory.
Plasticity, fracture and dislocation theory are indeed longstanding
challenges which have recently undergone a revival through
development of new theoretical and experimental methods, as well as
the improvement of
computer power. For the successful design of micro or submicro
devices the knowledge of the mechanical response of materials in the
nanometer regime are essential. The importance of the plastic
behaviour from the mesoscale
down to the atomic level for nanotechnology gave further impulses to
this field.
The course will be focused on regimes from the atomistic to the
mesoscale. The central part will be the discrete dislocation
mechanics and the neighbouring fields below and above, molecular
dynamics and crystal plasticity, respectively. The lectures will give
an introduction to the physical phenomena, the theoretical basis, the
mathematical description and the methods of simulations. The course
is addressed to master students, doctoral students, post docs and
experienced researchers in engineering and science who wish to
broaden their knowledge and experience in dislocation mechanics and
its impact on deformation and fracture of materials as well as on its
consequences for the design of micro and nanodevices.
In http://www.cism.it/cism/p2005/annC0504.pdf you will find
information about the contents of the school and the procedures for
We would greatly appreciate it if you would forward this information
to persons or institutions which might be interested in this
activity. Or could you, please, send us a mailing list with their
Hoping that the above information on this CISM Course can be of
interest to you, we thank you for your kind consideration.
Best regards.
Prof. Bernhard Schrefler Prof. Giulio Maier
Secretary General of CISM Resident Rector of CISM
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