[NotiAMCA] Invited session on Aerospace Technologies- Mecom 2005

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Abr 29 16:53:56 ART 2005


Invited session on Aerospace Technologies


 MECOM 2005
 VIII Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics
 Buenos Aires, Argentina, November  16-18, 2005

 The session intends to cover (not exclusively) the following topics:

*  Aerodynamics
*  Aircrafts, launchers and satellites Structural and Thermal design
*  Gasdynamics
*  Propulsion
*  Dynamics and Control of air and space vehicles
*  micro and nano air and space vehicles

Those interested in submitting an abstract, please communicate to any of the

Tentative deadline for abstract submission is May 15th, 2005

Sergio Elaskar      selaskar en efn.uncor.edu
Jose Tamagno        jtamagno en efn.uncor.edu
Eduardo Zapico      ezapico en efn.uncor.edu

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