[NotiAMCA] ADMOS 2005 -Adaptive Modeling and Simulation

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
Lun Feb 7 19:22:36 ART 2005

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce the conference
ADMOS 2005 -Adaptive Modeling and Simulation
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,  Barcelona, Spain
September 8-10, 2005

The deadline for submitting abstracts (300 words approx., free format) is 
March 25.
The contribution to be included in the proceedings is either an extended 
(up to four pages, it will be printed in a book) or a full paper
(more than 10 pages, it will be included in a CD).
The deadline of these contributions is June 20.

ADMOS 2005 is an IACM Special Interest Conference and
an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference.

Please, visit our web site


for further and updated information.

The currently confirmed plenary speakers are

* Randolph E. Bank, University of California, San Diego, USA
* Pierre Ladeveze, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Cachan, FRANCE
* Ernst Rank, Technische Universitat Munchen, GERMANY

The list of keynote speakers will be available in the web site.

The conference will include a number of Minisymposia on different topics.
Each Minisymposium will contain:
- 1 Keynote lecture and
- 3 papers (20 min)
If you are interested on organizing a Minisymposium on a topic of
your choice, please contact the organizers.

Minisymposium organizers will get a reduction of 50% of the Conference fee.

Best Regards

Nils-Erik Wiberg and Pedro Diez
Conference Chairmen

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