[NotiAMCA] Pos-doc position in micromechanics of geomaterials

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
Mie Mayo 31 17:19:13 ART 2006


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Ricardo Lebensohn


In the context of the research project: "Subgrain structure
development in rocks and metals"
(2006-2008 Collaborative Research Project, EUROCORES Programme,
European Science Foundation)
we are seeking a postdoctoral candidate to work in the field of
modeling of microstructure evolution of
geomaterials. The selected candidate will be based in LMTG
(Laboratoire des Mecanismes et Transferts
en Geologie) of Toulouse, France, and his/her main task will be to
interface a Fast Fourier Transform-based
crystal plasticity micromechanical approach [1] and the Elle
numerical platform [2]. Elle is a code for the
simulation of microstructure evolution in geological materials by a
whole range of micro-processes
(grain boundary migration, diffusion, sub-grain evolution) [3]. The
goal of this development is to have
a fully anisotropic crystal plasticity capability in Elle, an
essential feature to model plastic deformation
and its interaction with other micro-processes of low-symmetry
geological materials.

[1] R.A. Lebensohn, Acta Mater. 49, 2723, 2001.
[2] M.W. Jessell et al, Computers and Geosciences 27, 17, 2001.
[3] http://www.microstructure.info/elle-site/elle-project-overview.html

Para mayor informacion, contactarse con Ricardo Lebensohn 
(lebenso en lanl.gov). 

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