[NotiAMCA] Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" : charla extraordinaria

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Lun Dic 22 10:25:27 ART 2008

Seminario del IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez" 
Lunes 29/12, 15:30hs. Sebastián Pauletti, University of Maryland (EEUU)

Título: Parametric Adaptive Finite Elements for Geometric Equations
and  Fluid-Membrane Interaction
(la charla será en castellano)

Sobre un trabajo en colaboración con: Andrea Bonito y Ricardo H. Nochetto.


Motivated by the shape and dynamics of biomembranes we studied
two different models.

As a first approach, we have studied a model based on geometry
assuming that the equilibrium shapes are the minimizers of the
bending energy under area and volume constraints.
Then, the effect of the inside (bulk) fluid is taken into account
leading to a more physical dynamics.

A parametric approach is employed, which leads to forth order
highly nonlinear PDEs on surfaces and involves large domain
deformations. An adaptive finite element method (AFEM), with
either piecewise linear or quadratic polynomials, is used for
both the geometric and coupled problems.
Several computational challenges needed to be addressed and solved.

I will also talk about a new paradigm of adaptivity to execute
refinement, coarsening, and smoothing of meshes
on manifolds with incomplete information about their geometry
and yet preserve position and curvature accuracy.
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - UNL - CONICET

Dirección:    IMAL, Güemes 3450, S3000GLN Santa Fe, Argentina
Teléfono:     (342) 4559175

E-mail:       pmorin en santafe-conicet.gov.ar  gladis.pradolini en gmail.com

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