[NotiAMCA] Abstract Deadline Extended for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MA&O) Conference

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Ene 31 10:05:46 ART 2008

Important Dates:
8 February 2008 -- NEW Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
10-12 September 2008 -- 12th MA&O Conference

Dear Colleague,

Due to numerous requests the abstract deadline for the MA&O Conference
is extended until February 8. We apologize that the AIAA web site was
unavailable for part of the day of the deadline. If you experienced
difficulty, please try uploading again.

The prestigious MDO Award is presented at each MA&O Conference.
Nominations are being accepted until February 1, 2008. Please nominate
deserving candidates at www.aiaa.org (Honors and Awards, Technical
Awards page).

Students who wish to enter the Student Paper Competition must upload
their abstracts to the Student Paper Competition for Design Optimization
session. Those papers will still be presented in the regular parallel
sessions. Based on the uploaded full papers, finalists will be selected
to continue competing in an additional poster session where judges will
select the winner. If students who already uploaded abstracts to regular
sessions would like to compete, please contact the Technical Chairs, Dr.
Kolonay (Raymond.Kolonay en wpafb.af.mil) or Dr. Martins
(martins en utias.utoronto.ca).

The MA&O Conference will be held on 10-12 September 2008 in Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada. The 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis
and Optimization (MA&O) Conference brings together industry, government,
and academia to present and discuss the latest developments in MA&O.
Please visit www.aiaa.org/events/mao <file:///\\www.aiaa.org\events\mao>
to read about the solicited topics in the Call for Papers and to submit
your abstract.


Afzal Suleman and Bob Canfield 
General Chairs

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