[NotiAMCA] Multiscale Science Based-Modeling and Simulation and Experimental Validation on Enabling Materials

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Nov 14 11:07:34 ART 2008

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the NSF Summer Institute on Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials, and
Micro/Nanomanufacturing, I am pleased to announce a new short course
entitled "Multiscale Science Based-Modeling and Simulation and Experimental
Validation on Enabling Materials", to be offered from May 27 to May 30, 2009
in Evanston, Illinois.  The short course will first cover science-based
modeling and simulation methods for general classes of enabling materials.
This will be followed by examining more focused applications such as
multifunctional materials for sensing, device fabrication, manipulation,
medicine, and biology.  We have assembled an international team of six
instructors, who are leaders in the field. 


For more information visit our website at


Thanks to the support of NSF, we have a limited number of NSF fellowships
available to faculty members, high-school science teachers, post-docs and
PhD candidates from the US.  The fellowship consists of full registration
fee plus an accommodation allowance.  


We look forward to seeing you in this short course.


Sincerely yours,

Yip-Wah Chung

Director, NSF Summer Institute on Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials, and



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