[NotiAMCA] RCEM 2009 : 6th Symp. on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Lun Nov 24 09:03:55 ART 2008

6th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, RCEM 2009.
September 21 - 25, 2009
Santa Fe, Argentina


Welcome to RCEM2009

The International Association on Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IARH) and 
its Latin American Division (LAD), in association with the Water Science and 
Engineering Faculty of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), are proud 
to announce the 6th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morhodynamics, 
RCEM 2009.

This highly successful series of conferences has played a key role in 
promoting an interdisciplinary approach to river and coastal problems. The 
conference is unique in this emphasis on the intersection between basic 
research and engineering applications, blending aspects from fundamentals in 
fluid mechanics to laboratory experiments and field studies in river and 
coastal morphodynamics.

The conference provides a stimulating forum for communication among applied 
mathematicians, engineers, geologists, ecologists, geomorphologists, 
biologists, computer scientists and water managers involved in the study of 
Earth surface processes.

The meeting will take place in the backyard of the Paraná River, one of the 
largest rivers in the world, providing a unique opportunity for observation 
of flow, sedimentation, ecology, biology and morphology in a "natural 

The conference will be held at the Administration Building ("Rectorado") of 
the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), from September 21st to 25th, 
2009, at Santa Fe City, Argentina. 

Conference Themes

RCEM focuses on the morphodynamics of rivers, estuaries, coasts and shallow 
seas. Contributions on theory, modeling, and laboratory and field studies in 
the following topics -but not restricted to- are welcome:

    * River and coastal morphodynamics, theory and observations
    * Morphology of deltas and alluvial plains
    * Mechanics of sediment transport in rivers and estuaries
    * Bed form dynamics
    * Eco-morphodynamics and biogeomorphology
    * Computational morphodynamics
    * Morphodynamics and global warming
    * Scour and erosion around structures
    * Hydroacoustic measurements of flow, sediment transport and morphology
    * The future of Earth Sciences

Important Deadlines

16 	Jan 	09 	Abstract due
13 	Feb 	09 	Notification of acceptance
10 	Apr 	09 	Full papers due
15 	May 	09 	Deadline for early registration,
			and pre-conference activities
05 	Jun 	09 	Notification of presentation format
			(oral or poster)
12 	Jun 	09 	Deadline for payments for
			registration fee by authors
14/18 	Sep 	09 	Pre-conference activities
21/25  	Sep  	09     	RCEM2009 Symposium

E-mail: rcem2009(at)fich.unl.edu.ar


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