[NotiAMCA] Composites2009

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Sep 16 17:39:14 ART 2008

Dear colleague,

I would like to draw your attention to the ECCOMAS Composites 2009
conference. The deadline for abstracts is October 15th. Please see the

With best regards

Raimund Rolfes  

Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Statik und Dynamik
Appelstr. 9A
30167 Hannover

Telefon +49 (0)511 762 3867
Fax +49 (0)511 762 2236
 <http://www.isd.uni-hannover.de/> http://www.isd.uni-hannover.de


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