[NotiAMCA] Mini-symposium at the 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Ene 21 17:33:53 ART 2009
Dear Colleague,
As part of the 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics to be
held in Columbus, OH, July 16-19 2009, we are organizing a mini-symposium
New Trends in Thin Structures
A brief description of the MS can be found at the end of this message and
also at
http://usnccm-10.eng.ohio-state.edu/MS4.htm .
We are pleased to invite you to deliver a presentation in this
If you kindly accept, you are asked to submit a one-page abstract by January
31, 2009, through the conference web site:
http://usnccm-10.eng.ohio-state.edu/abstractsub.html .
Important conference deadlines can be found at:
http://usnccm-10.eng.ohio-state.edu/dates.html .
We look forward to hearing from you.
With our best regards,
Paulo M. Pimenta, <mailto:ppimenta en usp.br> ppimenta en usp.br
Eduardo M. B. Campello, <mailto:campello en usp.br> campello en usp.br
Peter Wriggers, <mailto:wriggers en ikm.uni-hannover.de>
wriggers en ikm.uni-hannover.de
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