[NotiAMCA] Announcement of Upcoming Conferences IACM

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Dom Ago 1 16:20:18 ART 2010

You are cordially invited to participate in the 

16th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems
- An IACM special interest conference - 
23 to 25 March 2011
Munich, Germany

Please follow the link http://www.lnm.mw.tum.de/fef2011/ for further 

Some important dates:

      September 30, 2010
     Deadline for minisymposia proposals
      November 15, 2010
     Deadline for abstract submission
      December 15, 2010
     Notification of abstract acceptance
      January 15, 2011
     Deadline for print-ready abstracts
      January 15, 2011
     Deadline for early registration

We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful city of Munich.
Yours sincerely,
Wolfgang A. Wall & Volker Gravemeier (Conference Chairmen & Secretary General)




11th U.S. National Congress (UNSCCM-11)

July 25-29, 2011, Minneapolis, USA 


Dear USACM Members/Researchers/Colleagues:


Minisymposia proposals for the 11th U.S. National Congress (UNSCCM-11) to be 
held July 25-29, 2011 in Minneapolis, MN are solicited from people interested 
in organizing sessions in their area of expertise or interest and/or wishing 
to honor particular individuals for their sustained contributions or a special 
honorary birthday celebration. 


The proposal should contain the minisymposium title, a description of no more 
than 10 lines describing the motivation and objectives of your minisymposium, 
and an itemized (bulleted) list of themed targets within the scope of the 
minisymposium, as well as the names, affiliation and contact information such as 
address, e-mail, phone, etc.   For logistical purposes, we request that you 
designate a "lead organizer" for correspondence with USNCCM-11 organizers and 
for other miscellaneous purposes.

To submit your proposal, go to www.usnccm.org and click on Minisymposia 
Proposal Submission under Key Information on the left-hand side of the site.  
You may also go directly to by clicking here.  You are asked to complete an 
online form and submit it from the website.  You may also download the form 
and email it to the address shown on the website.


We anticipate that the accepted proposals will be finalized by September 30, 
2010. If you have any questions concerning the submission process, please 
write to info en usacm.org.




Professor Kumar Tamma

Organizer, 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics

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