[NotiAMCA] Call for Papers - ENEBI2011
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Oct 28 08:42:32 ART 2010
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Our apologies for cross-posting.(We would appreciate if you could distribute this information by your colleagues.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Colleague,We are very pleased to announce you that ENEBI 2011 - National Meeting of Biomechanical Engineering will takes place in Foz do Iguaçu, Parana, Brazil, on May 18-20, 2011. It is an initiative of the Committee of Bioengineering of ABCM “Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences” to promote the integration and exchange of experiences between groups working in this field. Due to your research activities in related fields, we would like to invite you to submit a contributed paper. Your contribution is mostly welcomed and we would be honoured if you could participate in ENEBI 2011 .Conference Topics (not limited to):- Internal Biomechanics- Biomechanics and motor control. - Musculoskeletal Biomechanics.- Biofluids and heat transfer in living tissues.- Medical Application of Biomaterials.- Dental Biomechanics.- Modeling of physiological systems.External Biomechanics:- Rehabilitation.- Artificial organs.
Health Technology Management:- Diagnostic techniques and medical imaging.- Biorobotics.- Surgery technologies.Important dates: Deadline for abstract two-pages submission: 20th November, 2010;
We are looking forward to host you next May in Foz do Iguaçu (Iguaçu Falls city).Yours sincerely,Mildred Ballin Hecke(Organizing Committee – UFPr - Brazil)
For more details regarding ENEBI 2011, please visit the conference webpage at:
http://www.enebi2011.ufpr.br/en/ and http://www.enebi2011.ufpr.br/
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