[NotiAMCA] CFP for WCCM 2012 MS-053 - Free Surface, Moving Boundaries And Multi-Phase Flows

Mario Storti mario.storti en gmail.com
Mie Nov 9 12:44:25 ART 2011

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

Special session on

  MS-053 - Mini Symposium on Free Surface, Moving Boundaries And
           Multi-Phase Flows

to be held at

São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July 2012.

TRACK DIRECTORS: Buscaglia, Gustavo (U São Paulo, Brasil)
                Cruchaga, Marcela (U Santiago de Chile, Chile)
                Storti, Mario (UN Litoral & CONICET, Argentina)

[Web page for WCCM 2012: http://www.wccm2012.com/]
[Web page for this mini-symposium: http://www.cimec.org.ar/ms053wccm2012]

This mini-symposium is devoted to free surface, moving boundary and
multi-phase flows. We invite all researchers working in the area to
present their recent developments and applications.

The main topics are:

* Numerical algorithms for describing free surface, moving boundary
  and multi-phase flows.

* Interface tracking and interface capturing techniques.

* Fixed, moving and free meshes formulations.

* Volume of fluid, level-set, and eulerian-lagrangian methods.

* Surface reconstruction and renormalization operators.

* Surface tension, capillarity, and transport of surfactants.

* Experimental validation.

* Scientific and technological applications.

Invited speakers in this MS

* Alvaro Coutinho, COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio e Janeiro, Brasil

* LG Nonato, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada e Estatística, ICMC,
       USP, São Carlos, Brasil

* Orlando Soto, Advanced Technology Group, SAIC, McLean, Virginia, USA

* Fabricio S. Sousa, Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de
       Computacao, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil

* Matsumoto, Yoichiro, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The
       University of Tokyo, Japan

* Shahrouz Aliabadi, School of Engineering Northrop Grumman Center for
       High Performance Computing, Jackson State University,
       Jackson, MS, USA

* Rekha R. Rao, Thermal and Fluid Processes Department, Sandia
       National Laboratories, USA

* Peter Minev, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
       University of Alberta, Canada

Mario Alberto Storti     [cel. +54-342-5122135]
Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
Colect. Ruta Nac. 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1015), Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169
Home: +54-342-4550193, e-mail: mario.storti at gmail.com

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