[NotiAMCA] Open academic position

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Ene 26 11:18:24 ART 2012

Dear colleague,

I hereby send you the announcement of the vacancy of a full time academic
position in the field of Thermal Modeling and Design of Mechanical Systems
at the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (LTAS) of the
University of Liège.


Would you please take a moment to post and distribute this announcement in
your department and to potentially interested colleagues?




Prof. Éric JM DELHEZ


          Université de Liège

          Head of the Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

          Sart Tilman B37, B-4000 Liège, Belgium

          Tél. +32-4-366.94.19


Open academic position in the field of
Thermal Modeling and Design of Mechanical Systems
The Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (A&M) of the
University of Liège (Belgium) offers a full-time academic position to an expert 
in heat transfers working towards computational modeling and design of 
mechanical systems.
Applicants with experience in any related area are welcomed, including, but 
not limited to,
 spacecraft systems,
 heat exchangers,
 miniaturized propulsion systems,
 stir-welding…
The selected candidate will develop research activities in his/her fields in 
close collaboration with the other research units of the Department and the 
He/She will also teach undergraduate/graduate courses to students in the 
bachelor and master degrees and supervise student research. 
As an academic staff member, he/she will also assume administrative and 
management responsibilities within the Department, the Faculty and the 

Here is an indicative list of courses which could be associated to this 
- Heat transfer
- Modeling of heat transfers
- Thermal control of space systems

Application procedure

Applicants must hold a Dr. or PhD degree. They will demonstrate an 
international scientific experience in their research fields and show a strong 
interest in teaching.
They will have – or will commit themselves to acquire – a working knowledge of
the French language.
The deadline for the submission of applications is March 31.
Applications must be submitted in duplicate by registered mail to the Rector 
of the University of Liège, Place du 20-Août 7, 4000 Liège, Belgique and must 
- the application letter,
- a detailed curriculum vitae with a complete list of publications,
- a short description of the candidate’s five most significant publications,
- a short document (3 pages maximum), describing the future research
directions of the candidate,
- an electronic version of all publications.

Applicants should also send an electronic copy of their application material 
to the contact address (see below). 
They should also arrange for three international experts to submit letters of 
recommendation on their behalf.

At the end of the selection procedure, the selected applicant will be
- either appointed for a fixed period of not more than 5 years, after which a
tenured appointment will be considered ;
- or directly appointed with tenure.
In both cases, the appointment will start on the 1st of October 2012 or later,
depending on the availability of the applicant.

Contact address:

Prof. Eric JM DELHEZ
Head of the Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
Université de Liège
Sart Tilman B37
B-4000 Liège - Belgium
E-mail : E.Delhez en ulg.ac.be
Founded in 1817, the Université de Liège offers a complete range of
university courses at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. It is 
into eleven faculties and schools: Philosophy and Letters; Law and School of
Criminology; Sciences; Medicine; Engineering; Veterinary Medicine; Psychology
and Educational Sciences; HEC Management School-ULg; Institute for Human and
Social Sciences; Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech and Architecture.
Within the School of Engineering, the Department of Aerospace &
Mechanical engineering offers several programs to undergraduate and graduate
students. The main priorities, in terms of education and research, are in the 
of aeronautics, aerospace engineering, energy technology, mechanical 
and biomechanics. The focus is therefore on solid mechanics, materials 
fluid dynamics and applied thermodynamics. The department has also a long
standing tradition in computational mechanics (with spin-off like Samtech, 
Engineering,,…) and maintains active collaborations with both international
research centers and industrial partners.

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