[NotiAMCA] Faculty Opening in Computational Optimization at UIUC

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Oct 2 12:26:54 ART 2012

Dear SIAM-CSE listserv readers,

The text below is from a recently-announced position in computational
optimization, including all aspects of MDO, in the Aerospace
Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign.  Further details may be found online at
http://www.ae.illinois.edu as well as by the contact information given


Daniel J. Bodony
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Affiliate Professor of Mechanical Science & Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

---- TEXT FOLLOWS ----

The Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign seeks candidates, at all academic ranks, in
aerospace engineering and related disciplines using and developing
computational multidisciplinary optimization. Applications from women
and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged.

The candidate is expected to develop and maintain a rigorous research
eort focused on advancing the state-of-the-art in simulation-based
optimization and design of multidisciplinary systems. Successful
applicants will utilize physics-based approaches coupled with novel
optimization methods that are suitable for large-scale,
high-performance computing systems. Multidisciplinary optimization is
to be interpreted broadly, spanning all relevant areas of aerospace
systems, and those utilizing non-standard, novel approaches are
equally encouraged to apply. Specific examples include, but are not
limited to, rigid and aeroelastic vehicle shape optimization for
performance improvement, adjoint-based and inverse design methods, and
design optimization for controller-sensor fusion.

The exceptional candidate who meaningfully demonstrates aptitude and
commitment to very large scale computing should request consideration
to be a Blue Waters Professor, who will receive substantial
allocations on, and expedited access to, the new Blue Waters petascale
computer. Blue Waters is supported by the National Science Foundation
and developed and run by the University of Illinois National Center
for Supercomputing Applications, with more information available at

The Aerospace Engineering Department has strong teaching, research,
and outreach programs in the areas of Fluid Mechanics, Structural
Mechanics and Materials, and System Dynamics and Controls. More
information about the Department can be found at
http://www.ae.illinois.edu. The Aerospace Engineering Department and
the College of Engineering are ranked highly in the nation.

Applicants must hold an earned Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related engineering or
science field. It is expected that, in addition to research, the
applicant will perform academic duties associated with our Bachelors,
Masters, and Ph.D. programs. Salary and rank will be commensurate with

To apply, please create a candidate profile at
http://jobs.illinois.edu and upload your letter of application, résumé
or CV, brief statements of teaching and research interests, and at
least three professional references as a single PDF. Applications
should be received by December 1, 2012 for full consideration, but
applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The
nominal starting date for the position is August 16, 2013.

For future inquiries or questions, please contact:

   Ms. Kendra Lindsey
   Department of Aerospace Engineering
   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
   306 Talbot Labs, 104 S. Wright St.
   Urbana, IL 61801
   Tel: (217) 333-2651
   Fax: (217) 244-0720
   E-mail: klindsey en illinois.edu

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