[NotiAMCA] CILAMCE2013: Deadline for abstract submission - Extended

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Sab Abr 27 19:03:09 ART 2013

Dear Colleague;
					Due to several demands, the Deadline for abstract submission for next CILAMCE 2013 was extended to MAY 10th, 2013.
					Looking forward to meeting you in Pirenópolis.
					Please refer to the website www.cilamce2013.com.br for further information.
					Kind regards,
					Prof. Zenon Del Prado

					Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, GO - Brazil

					Phone 55-62-3209.6265

					zenon.prado en gmail.com / zenon en eec.ufg.br
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