[NotiAMCA] RV: Fourth International Summer School on Screw-Theory Based Methods in Robotics

Martín Alejo Pucheta mpucheta en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Mayo 8 19:49:38 ART 2013



Les reenvío esta invitación de colegas brasileños para la “4ta Escuela
Internacional de Verano sobre Métodos para Robótica basados en Teoría de


Saludos cordiales,


Martín Pucheta


Centro Internacional de Métodos Computacionales en Ingeniería (CIMEC)

INTEC - (Universidad Nacional del Litoral - CONICET)

Predio CONICET-Santa Fe

Colectora Norte de Ruta Nac. 168 Km. 472, Paraje El Pozo

Santa Fe 3000, Argentina

+54-(0)342-4511594 interno 1017




De: Roberto Simoni [mailto:roberto.emc en gmail.com] 
Enviado el: lunes, 06 de mayo de 2013 11:10
Para: roberto.simoni en ufsc.br
Asunto: Fourth International Summer School on Screw-Theory Based Methods in


Dear colleague, 
We are pleased to invite participants to: 
The Fourth International Summer School on  Screw-Theory Based Methods in
19 -- 27 October 2013 
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil 
 <http://www.summerscrews.org> http://www.summerscrews.org 
For its fourth edition, our summer school on screw theory moves to a new
season and a new hemisphere. The enthusiastic feedback from the first three
very successful Summer Screws events (in Genoa, in Shanghai, and again in
Genoa) proves that this initiative continues to provide a service that the
robotics community values. This year, with the support of the IEEE Robotics
and Automation Society we are able to bring the school 
to a new part of the world and, for the first time, to offer financial
support to some participants. 
Summer Screws 2013 (or should we call it Spring Screws) will gather six
experts in the robotics applications of screw theory and up to 40
participants at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis,
Brazil from 19 to 27 October. The school will teach attendees how to apply
existing methods and empower them to develop new ones in their own research.
The basic theoretical notions will be introduced in a rigorous 
manner, with emphasis on examples, applications, and exercises. 
The main topics will be: 
1. Basic vector-space properties of twists and wrenches: physical
interpretation of the linear operations; linear dependence and independence,
subspaces; bases and coordinates. (Lecturer: Dimiter Zlatanov) 
2. Scalar products, dual spaces, reciprocity. Constraint and freedom in
mechanisms. Constraint analysis, type synthesis of single loop mechanisms,
type synthesis of parallel manipulators. (Lecturer: Xianwen Kong) 
3. Velocity and singularity analysis of parallel and interconnected-chain
mechanisms. Derivation of input-output velocity equations and singularity 
conditions. (Lecturers: Matteo Zoppi and Dimiter Zlatanov) 
4. Mappings between screw spaces, stiffness and inertia. Structure of robot
compliance. Eigenvalue problems and eigenscrews. Synthesis with springs.
(Lecturer: Harvey Lipkin) 
5. 6D formulation of the dynamics of individual rigid bodies and rigid-body
systems. Equations of motion. Dynamics algorithms. (Lecturer: Roy
6. Basic Lie group theory, matrix representations of the group of rigid-body
displacements. Lie algebras as related to screw theory. The exponential map
and its applications in modern robotics. (Lecturer: Jon Selig) 
Up to 40 registrations are available at the price of 350 USD, no later than
31 July, 2013. Scholarship applications will be accepted until 30 June,
2013. See the Dates and Costs page at  <http://www.summerscrews.org>
www.summerscrews.org for details. 
Summer Screws 2012 is organized by the PMARlab Robotics Group, Department of
Mechanical, Energy, Transport, and Industrial Engineering (DIME) of the
University of Genoa and the Robotics Laboratory LAR of the Federal
University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil, with the support of
For more information visit the school's web page:  
 <http://www.summerscrews.org> http://www.summerscrews.org 
Sincerely yours, 
Dimiter Zlatanov, Roberto Simoni, Matteo Zoppi, Daniel Martins, and Rezia

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