[NotiAMCA] ICCB 2015 invitation
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Jun 24 10:45:24 ART 2014
Estimado Victorio
Gusto en saludarte
Espero que todo vaya bien por allá.
Mira, CIMNE está organizando un congreso internacional (ya consolidado) en septiembre 2015 sobre bioingeniería y biomecánica. Es la sexta edición del International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (respaldado además por la IACM).
Estamos invitando investigadores de todo el mundo a organizar minisymposia y a participar.
Te pediría si nos puedes ayudar y puedes enviar este email (ver más abajo) a tu lista de difusión.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo y mil gracias de antemano
It is our pleasure to inform you that we are organizing the VI International Conference onComputational Bioengineering (ICCB’2015), which will be held in Barcelona(Spain) from 14th to 16th September 2015.
This conference is the sixth edition of a well-known series ofconferences (ICCB series), which started in 2003, that are already consolidatedas leader conferences in the field (see for instance www.iccb2009.org and www.iccb2013.org).
Recently, ICCB2015 hasbeen recognized and appointed as “IACM SpecialInterest Conference” by the International Association of ComputationalMechanics (see http://congress.cimne.com/ICCB2015).
We are pleased to invite youin helping us with this conference byorganizing a Mini Symposium (MS) on any of the topics of your field.
The organization of a MS involves the invitation of at least 6 ofyour known colleagues to present a paper in it. The idea is to invite people inyour environment or with knowledge in the subject you are working on toparticipate in ICCB’2015 in Barcelona. You can designate some of the lecturers todeliver a MS-Keynote Lecture and you can too, if you prefer, work incollaboration with one or more co-organizers. In any case, the ICCB organizationwill waive one registration fee for each organized MS with 6 or more papers. Furtherdetails on the MS organization are available in the congress website.
In case you accept this invitation, please let us know ASAP and send us a tentative title and a summary ofyour MS, together with the organizer(s) name(s) and affiliation(s).
Looking forward for your invaluable help, please receive our warmestregards
M. Cerrolaza, S. Oller & P. Gomis
ICCB’2015 organizers
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona
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