[NotiAMCA] Open call for Short Courses & Workshops during WCCM2018

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Nov 21 10:39:22 ART 2017

The International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM) launches the Open Call for the organization of Short Courses and Workshops during the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, which will be held in New York, 22-27 July, 2018.

We encourage Institutions and individuals interested in taking the opportunity to organize a Short Course or Workshop within the framework of this successful conference, to contact the WCCM 2018 Secretariat (secretariat en wccm2018.org) before December 18th, 2017.

Please refer to the following link for further information: http://www.wccm2018.org/SC_Proposals

Yours sincerely,

Cristina Vizcaya
IACM Secretariat, on behalf of 

Antonio Huerta
Secretary General of the IACM

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