[NotiAMCA] PhD and postdoc positions at CIMNE/UPC

Javier Principe principe en cimne.upc.edu
Jue Feb 15 12:26:46 ART 2018


Está abierto el siguiente llamado para cubrir posiciones en CIMNE/UPC:


Open Postdoc/PhD Positions in High Performance Scientific Computing, at 
the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) and CIMNE, 
within the frame of the FET-HPC EU project:

ExaQUte - Exascale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and 
Science Simulation

ExaQUte is a FET-HPC H2020 3-year project (2018-2021) with the objective 
to develop new computational methods and software tools to target 
Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Optimization Under Uncertainties 
(OUU) for multiphysics and multiscale problems on geometrically complex 
domains. It involves the following institutions: CIMNE, UPC, EPFL, TUM, 

ExaQUte will exploit unfitted finite element techniques on adaptive 
octree meshes, space-time formulations and preconditioners, multilevel 
Montecarlo methods, and gradient-based optimization.

PhD candidates should hold a degree in mathematics, engineering, 
computer science, or physics, and an excellent academic record.

Postdoc candidates should have a PhD in computational science/engineering.

Experience in finite element modelling, UQ, optimization, and/or 
object-oriented and parallel programming will be an asset.

Applications will be considered till the positions will be filled, so it 
is advised to send them as soon as possible. In any case, we would like 
to take a decision before May 31st. Please send your application (with 
academic record for PhD positions) to:

lssc en cimne.upc.edu


Quedo a disposición para aclarar cualquier duda adicional.



Javier Principe,
International center for numerical methods in engineering (CIMNE).
Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, UPC
Esteve Terrades 5, Building C3, Office 217,
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain)


Los datos de carácter personal facilitados están registrados en  un fichero  con la finalidad de facilitar la gestión de las comunicaciones de CIMNE. Puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición mediante petición  dirigiéndose a nuestras oficinas en Ed. C1 Campus Norte UPC. Gran Capitán s/n Barcelona


Les dades de caràcter personal facilitades seran registrades en un fitxer amb la finalitat de facilitar les gestions de les comunicacions de CIMNE. Pot exercir els drets d'accés, rectificació i cancel·lació, per escrit a les nostres oficines en Ed. C1 Campus Nord UPC. Gran Capitá  s/n Barcelona.


All personal data contained on this mail will be processed confindentially and  registered in a file property of  CIMNE., in order to manage corporate communications. You may exercise the rigths of access, rectification, erasure and object by mail to Ed. C1 Campus Norte UPC. Gran Capitán s/n Barcelona.

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