[NotiAMCA] Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Feb 22 10:54:56 ART 2018

Dear Colleague,
I would like to bring to your attention the new Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship position at Stanford University in the general area of Solid Mechanics.  I would appreciate your help in identifying strong candidates for this position and would be grateful if you would kindly circulate the attached announcement to graduate students and recent PhDs at your institution or elsewhere, and encourage promising candidates to apply.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to pursue independent research and develop their teaching experience.  This post-doctoral position should be of particular interest to individuals who envisage a future academic career.
 Wei CaiStanford University

-----------Wei Cai
Associate Professor452 Escondido Mall, Building 520, Room 126Department of Mechanical EngineeringStanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4040Phone: 650-736-1671Fax: 650-725-1587E-mail: caiwei en stanford.eduGroup Website: http://micronano.stanford.eduTextbook Website: http://ics-book.stanford.edu
_______________________________________________timoshenko-postdoc-announce mailing listtimoshenko-postdoc-announce en lists.stanford.eduhttps://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/timoshenko-postdoc-announcehttp://www.amcaonline.org.ar/twiki/pub/AMCA/RepositorioAMCA/Timoshenko_Postdoctoral_Fellowship_flyer.pdf
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