[NotiAMCA] BEM/MRM 41 Conference and EABE Special Issue in honor of Prof. Brebbia

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Mayo 31 10:31:43 ART 2018

----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: Eduardo M. B. Campello <campello en usp.br>
Para: abmec-socios-l <abmec-socios-l en dees.ufmg.br>, abmec-l <abmec-l en dees.ufmg.br>
Enviado: Wed, 30 May 2018 18:49:36 -0300 (ART)
Asunto: [Abmec-l] BEM/MRM 41 Conference and EABE Special Issue in honor or Prof. Brebbia

Dear Colleagues,
As you all probably know, Professor Carlos Brebbia passed away at the beginning of this year (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/about/obituary-professor-carlos-a-brebbia). 
He was the mentor of many now prominent Brazilian researchers and has directly or indirectly contributed to the academic and scientific education of a large number of Brazilians that are now taking care of new student generations all over Brazil. And, most importantly, Carlos Brebbia was a very dear friend of Brazil.
I would like to invite you to attend the upcoming BEM/MRM 41 Conference, to take place in the New Forest from 11 to 13 September. You may present a paper and also contribute to a Brazilian Special Issue of the EABE we are planning to organize in honor of Carlos Brebbia. To attend the conference, you should contact the conference organization directly (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2018/bem-41). If you do not have a full manuscript to send shortly, I know that an abstract will be adequate provided that you commit to contribute to our Special Issue. 
I have just received the green light from Prof. Alex Cheng, Editor-In-Chief of EABE (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/engineering-analysis-with-boundary-elements), who is proposing the edition of a  "virtual special issue".  According to this new mode, "whenever a paper is approved, it will be published in a regular issue, so the authors do not wait. Then there is a virtual issue with a title, preface, ..., which starts to collect the published papers. Once all done, there will be papers scattered in many issues, but also a single accessible special issue. Elsevier and I recommend this mode. If you do not mind, we will do it this way."I should remark that such a Special Issue will only be produced if we have a sufficient number of contributions (of good quality, or course, and independently from your attending the BEM/MRM conference). I hope that we Brazilians can duly pay our tribute to Carlos Brebbia by issuing this special volume. Please let me know if you are interested in contributing or if you have any questions (my e-mail: dumont en puc-rio.br), since I need a minimum of potential contributors to launch the process.Looking forward to meeting you next September in the New Forest.Best regards,Ney Augusto DumontMember of the International Advisory Committee of BEM-41Editor of EABE
--Eduardo M. B. Campello, Assoc. Prof.Dept. Structural and Geotechnical EngineeringUniversity of São Paulo, Brazil Ph/Fax: +55 11 3091-5604 / +55 11 3091-5181 President, ABMEC (Brazilian Association for Computational Methods in Engineering)

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