[NotiAMCA] Anuncio de beca postdoctoral

Martin Ignacio Idiart martin.idiart en ing.unlp.edu.ar
Lun Mar 22 13:48:37 -03 2021

Agradecería la posibilidad de difundir este anuncio de beca postdoctoral
en la próxima edición de Notiamca. 


Búsqueda de candidatos para Beca Post-Doctoral, en el marco de un
proyecto de investigación en micromecánica de sólidos. 

TEMA: _El rol de las interfaces imperfectas en la respuesta
termomecánica hereditaria de sólidos microestructurados._ 

DIRECTOR: Dr. Ing. Martín I. Idiart. 

LUGAR DE TRABAJO: Centro Tecnológico Aeroespacial / Departamento de
Aeronáutica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 

Many energetic solids of technological interest are aggregates of
micrometric particles or grains cemented together by a compliant binding
phase. Prominent examples include polymer-bonded triaminotrinitrobenzene
and cyclotetramethylene-tetranitramine. Despite occupying a low fraction
of the total volume, the binding phase can play a central role on the
overall thermomechanical behavior and sensitivity of the solid. This is
because irreversible phenomena such as viscous deformations and damage
evolution occur mostly within that phase as a result of the granular
morphology and local thermomechanical contrast. In high-energy systems
the intergrain spacing is much smaller than the grain size, the binding
phase can be regarded as an interphase of vanishing thickness, and the
aggregate can be conceived as a microstructured solid with imperfect
interfaces exhibiting hereditary behavior. Their engineering simulation
thus calls for a multiscale constitutive framework that incorporates the
role of imperfect interfaces on the hereditary thermomechanics of
microstructured solids and that, at the same time, generates
constitutive descriptions suitable for implementation into numerical
codes for structural analysis. The proposed research aims at developing
such a framework. 

REQUISITOS: Poseer título de Doctor o estar próximo a doctorarse en
alguna especialidad de las Ingenierías o las Ciencias Físicas con
conocimientos en micromecánica teórica y/o computacional de sólidos.
Buen dominio del idioma inglés. 

MONTO DE LA BECA: a definir, a partir de un monto de referencia
identificado con la beca postdoctoral de CONICET. 

Dr. Ing. Martín I. Idiart ( martin.idiart en ing.unlp.edu.ar ).
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