Implementación de un Programa de Elementos Finitos de Propósito General, Multi-Física para Uso de Enternos de Cálculo Distribuido

Norberto Nigro, Víctor Sonzogni, Mario Storti, Andrea Yommi


A general purpose finite element program, named PETSc-FEM [3], running on distributed processing architectU1'es using the PETSc/MPI library has been developed.
In [2] we describe the existing applications, whereas in [5] the computational efficiency of the program running on a Beowulf class cluster b.uilt at CIMEC [1] is discussed. Programming details of the computational code (applications and library) are discussed in this work. The most important underlying object is a set of similar
elements or "elemset". It is assumed that most of the unerlying physical and numerical information about the elements in an elemset is the same, so that the amount
of storage required is kept to a minimum. Furthermore, the application writer has access to two levels of programming at the elemental routine level inside and outside the element loop. so that all computations common to all the elements in the elemset can be factored out.

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