[NotiAMCA] 2009 Int. Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics

sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Sep 26 18:14:47 ART 2008

Desde: 22-06-2009
Hasta: 24-06-2009
Lugar:  Seattle, WA, USA

2009 International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural

Important Dates:

            21 Nov-08        -- Abstract Submission Deadline
             3 Feb-09        -- Notice of acceptance
            22-Jun-24 Jun-09 -- 2009 IFASD Conference

Dear Colleague,

     We invite you to participate in the 2009 International Forum on
Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics (IFASD 2009). The IFASD 2009 will
give a comprehensive survey of the current status of research and
development in the field of aeroelasticity and structural dynamics for
aerospace vehicles. It also provides an excellent opportunity to
exchange ideas and experiences among industry, government, and academia
from around the world.

     Please visit http://www.ifasd2009.com to read the Call for Papers
with its description of solicited topics and the procedure for
submitting an electronic abstract.

     The 2009 IFASD Conference will be held 22-24 of June in Seattle, WA
at the prestigious Fairmont Olympic Hotel
(http://www.fairmont.com/Seattle/). Other scheduled events include a
Sunday night reception at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel, a Monday night
event at the Space Needle, and the Forum dinner Wednesday night at the
Museum of Flight.


     The selection of papers will be based on a short abstract that
should be submitted in plain text electronically at
http://www.ifasd2009.com. The abstract itself must not exceed 500 words
and should not contain any figures or tables.  Before submitting an
abstract, be sure to have it cleared through your sponsor and/or
employer for presentation at an open conference.  Remember to allow
sufficient time for material to be cleared before the abstract
submission deadline.

     We warmly invite you to participate in the 2009 IFASD 22-24 Jun
2009, co-sponsored by American Institute for Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA), MSC Software Corporation, ZONA Technology, and LMS
International NV.

Ray Kolonay (Forum Chair) & Rich Snyder (Forum Technical Chair)

ifasd2009 mailing list
ifasd2009 en mdolab.utias.utoronto.ca

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