[NotiAMCA] Call for paper MM&FGM 2014 - First announcement
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Sab Nov 2 09:22:24 ART 2013
Dear Colleague,
It is our pleasure to invite you, your co-workers and students to present your
research work on multiscale modeling at the MM&FGM 2014 Symposium.
The main goal of MM&FGM 2014 Symposium is to provide opportunities for
exchanging ideas and discussing state-of-the-art theories, techniques and
applications in the fields of multiscale, multifunctional and functionally
graded materials
We also kindly invite you to send your paper to the Mini-Symposium Topological
Derivatives: Theory and Applications. The main aim of the minisymposium is to
gather together researchers interested in the theoretical development and
applications of the topological sensitivity analysis. This will be achieved by
focusing the minisymposium on the following areas: (a) Multidisciplinary
Topology Optimization; (b) Inverse Problems; (c) Mechanical Modeling; (d)
Image Processing; (e) Optimal Design and Control; (f) Free Boundary Problems;
and (g) Topological Asymptotic Analysis.
Abstract submission will be open on November 1st, 2013. For more details about
the MM&FGM conference, please visit the website http://fgm2014.poli.usp.br and
We look forward to welcome you in Sao Paulo in October 19-22, 2014
Yours Truly
Antonio Andre Novotny (novotny en lncc.br)
Sebastian Miguel Giusti (sgiusti en civil.frc.utn.edu.ar)
Mini-Symposium Organizers
Dr. Sebastián Miguel Giusti
Investigador CONICET
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Facultad Regional Córdoba
Departamento de Ingeniería Civil
Maestro M. Lopez esq. Cruz Roja Argentina
Ciudad Universitaria - Córdoba - CPA: X5016ZAA
República Argentina
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