[NotiAMCA] PACAM XIV – Mini-symposium on “Mechanics of Soft Active Materials” – Call for abstracts – Deadline 15 November 2013

martin.idiart en ing.unlp.edu.ar martin.idiart en ing.unlp.edu.ar
Mar Nov 5 10:43:00 ART 2013

  PACAM XIV - Mini-symposium on "Mechanics of Soft Active Materials" -  
Call for abstracts - Deadline 15 November 2013


Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to participate in The Pan American Congress of  
Applied Mechanics (PACAM) and present research in our mini-symposium  
on "Mechanics of Soft Active Materials." The mini-symposium will bring  
together researchers to present state-of-the-art advances, as well as  
inspire and discuss ideas in the field of mechanics of highly  
deformable active materials. The areas of interest include but are not  
limited to

- Electroactive polymers (EAP) and Dielectric elastomers (DE)
- Magnetorheological Elastomers (MRE)

The Congress will be held in Santiago, Chile on March 24-28, 2014.  
Abstracts should be submitted at http://pacamxiv.org/submit-abstract/  
Please indicate in the title that it is for participation in the  
mini-symposium on "Mechanics of Soft Active Materials".
The abstract is due on Nov. 15, 2013.
We look forward to seeing you in Santiago!

Mini-symposium organizers,

Stephan Rudykh
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
rudykh en mit.edu

Martin Idiart
Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina
martin.idiart en ing.unlp.edu.ar

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