[NotiAMCA] WCCM/APCOM 2016 - Abstract Submission Deadline Extended!

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Sab Nov 28 08:48:27 ART 2015

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended

It is delighted to announce that
the abstract submission deadline for the WCCM/APCOM 2016 has been extended.​The
original deadline was set for November 30th, but has been pushed-out toDecember 30th,

We are welcome your contributions on the following congress themes:
- Biological
- Computational
Fluid Dynamics 
- Damage Fracture and Failure 
- Error Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification 
- Fluid-Structure Interaction and Contact 
- Material 
- Multiscale Multiphysics Problems
- Numerical Method and High-Performance Computing 
- Optimization and Inverse Problems 
- Various Computational Methods & Applications
All abstract must be submitted the submission page of
the conference website: 
http://wccm2016.org/sub/sub05_.asp?menu=4We are looking forward to your contribution and to
receiving your abstract.

Yours sincerely,
The Secretariat of WCCM XII
Tel. +82-70-8280-6330
Fax. +82-2-3446-2903
E-mail. secretariat en wccm2016.org 

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