Topics you will find here Here you can find information, documentation and useful links. The information here is managed in a collaborative way under the concept ...
Curso de Posgrado: Computación de Alto Rendimiento en Mecánica Computacional * SHARE (short URL to this page): Novedades * ...
Results with the NSFVM GPU code These results have been obtained with a Finite Volume scheme on structured grids that rin on GPU hardware. More details on the alg...
PETSc FEM: A General Purpose, Parallel, Multi Physics FEM Program. Scope: This is PETSc FEM, a general purpose, parallel, multi physics FEM (Finite Element Metho...
PETScFEM Hydrology module Elevation of the freatic aquifer in the Cululu basin (Santa Fe, Argentina). The finite element mesh is superimposed. The regions of high...
PETScFEM Results: Truss network simulations This animation shows a network of 20x20x20 cubes. For each cube truss was inserted at each edge, face diagonal, and c...
Video featured at exhibition * 2012 06 22 23:36:25 * v=uMEYeQMvzLc "Aerodynamics of a Racing Car...
Main.RodrigoPaz 06 Jun 2003 Esta es la página del proyecto FLAGS (Simulación Numérica en Gran Escala de la Interrelación entre el Flujo de Aguas Superficiales y ...
Some VTK Examples Why use VTK? I have been a fan of OpenDX since long time ago. (See some videos in PETScFEMResults page.) However it seems that OpenDX is no mor...