High Performance Computing for Computational Mechanics
Invited course in the "Master of Science in Computational Mechanics". (Part of the course Finite Elements in Fluids by Profs. Marco Discacciati and Antonio Huerta)
[2014-03-03 18:16:24] I confirm you the second hands-on class for the HPC minicourse this Thursday March 6 1500-1800hs, in classroom B2-106.
[2014-02-24 19:30:04] In the first class today we gave an introduction/motivation to HPC. Then we started with MPI up to point-to-point communication.
[2014-02-27 16:55:07] We have booked a visit to the Mare Nostrum Supercomputer for Monday March 17th at 16:30hs. The Mare Nostrum building is located close to the UPC Campus, so we can meet at the entrance to the C1 building at 16:00hs and then go alltogether to the Mare Nostrum site. Or else you can go directly to the Mare Nostrum building. Be sharp! The visit will take 50 minutes aprox. You have all the coordinates in the map above.
Monday February 24, and Monday March 3, 1400-1700hs.
There will be "hands-on" clases, on room B2-106, Thursday February 27 and March 6, 1500-1800hs. I recall you that these practical ("hands-on") classes are optional.
Room A1-105 (Theory lectures on Monday)
Room B2-106 (Hands-on clases on Thursday)
Material of the course
hpcbcn.pdf: Motavation to use HPC in Computational Mechanics.