In this page: * Flow around the Ahmed vehicle model * Flow around a car like body CFD modeling of the flow around the Ahmed vehicle model petscfem.ppt Present...
Main.CimecUser 17 Feb 2004 Example: Streamlines and colors for the Ahmed vehicle mode CFD modeling of the flow around the Ahmed vehicle model ahmed_gid.pdf ...
Topics you will find here Here you can find information, documentation and useful links. The information here is managed in a collaborative way under the concept ...
Report on Crack Attack to Geronimo in Feb 2002 El 5/2/2002 detectamos los siguientes sintomas: * El `top' y el `ps' no funcionaban (no reportaban algunos de los...
Main.CimecUser 2011 09 19 Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina Curso Cálculo científico con computadoras paralelas Re...
Curso de Posgrado: Computación de Alto Rendimiento en Mecánica Computacional * SHARE (short URL to this page): Novedades * ...
Error Page at host If you fall here it's because probably you have requested a document that isn't in this server. Note: Recall that URL are case...
History The construction of the Geronimo cluster was started in 1998. Originally it had two PC clones, a Pentium II 350 Mhz, and a Pentium III 450 Mhz. Later we ...
Software Installed and Running in the Geronimo Beowulf Cluster Developed at CIMEC * PETSc FEM, A General Purpose, Parallel, Multi Physics FEM Program (see htt...
This is the Home Page for the 2011 IRSES Workshop hosted by CIMEC Advanced Numerical Simulation Techniques (NUMSIM) * 2011 NUMSIM High Performance Computing W...
Mario Storti's Home Page Coordinates: * Ordinary mail (work): Mario StortiCIMEC, Predio CONICET "Dr. Alberto Cassano" Colect. Ruta Nac. 168 Km 0, Paraje El ...
LOG DE NOVEDADES 2018 * 2018 12 10 ANUNCIO DE SEMINARIO: Simulación VOF de atomización aplicada a inyección de combustibles. César Pairetti, ingeniero mecán...
Main.JorgeDElia 21 Jun 2006 MPICH2 1.0.3 EN AQUILES: 1. Sobre las diferencias entre las tres instalaciones: /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 in...
Main.JorgeDElia 21 Jun 2006 MPICH2 1.0.3 EN AQUILES: 1. Sobre las diferencias entre las tres instalaciones: /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 inte...
Norberto Nigro's Home Page Coordinates: * Ordinary mail * CIMEC, Predio Conicet Dr Alberto Cassano Colectora Ruta Nac 168 s/n Paraje El Pozo(3000) Sa...
Results with the NSFVM GPU code These results have been obtained with a Finite Volume scheme on structured grids that rin on GPU hardware. More details on the alg...
Finite element simulation of a tube with large displacement formulation This video shows a Finite Element simulation of the deformation of a hollow tube of a sof...
PETScFEM Hydrology module Elevation of the freatic aquifer in the Cululu basin (Santa Fe, Argentina). The finite element mesh is superimposed. The regions of high...
PETScFEM Results: Truss network simulations This animation shows a network of 20x20x20 cubes. For each cube truss was inserted at each edge, face diagonal, and c...
Video featured at exhibition * 2012 06 22 23:36:25 * v=uMEYeQMvzLc "Aerodynamics of a Racing Car...
MPI necesita un archivo machi.dat con una lista de los nodos en donde se van a lanzar procesos y PETSc FEm necesita un archivo weights.dat con los pesos a asignar...
Algunos detalles sobre la performance de procesadores Pentium 3 y 4 y la memoria Rambus Main.MarioStorti 19 Apr 2002 Recientemente hemos comprado 2 Pentium I...
THIS PAGE MOVED. Cimec documents (p #341;ep #341;ints, reports, thesis) are kept now at our OJS installation * Preprints are kept online in the series Cuaderno...
You can find here links to documentation on several pacakges installed * PETScFEM: * PETSc: * Local: http://venus.arcrid...
Some VTK Examples Why use VTK? I have been a fan of OpenDX since long time ago. (See some videos in PETScFEMResults page.) However it seems that OpenDX is no mor...
Some notes in upgrading from Fedora Core 2 to FC5. * Octave: * One must install and upgrade other packages. This can be done automatically with yum: $ ...