Detailed topic list for Main/Cimec Web

Results from Main/Cimec web retrieved at 14:15 (GMT)

Main.CimecUser 05 Mar 2002 Análisis dinámico de la fundación de una losa y muro de carga Se realizó el análisis dinámico de la fundación de una losa y un muro de...
NEW - 05 Mar 2002 - 21:15 by CimecUser
Mario Storti's Home Page Coordinates: * Ordinary mail (work): Mario StortiCIMEC, Predio CONICET "Dr. Alberto Cassano" Colect. Ruta Nac. 168 Km 0, Paraje El ...
r134 - 08 Nov 2022 - 09:09 by MarioStorti
Currently, moved to Córdoba city. Centro de Investigación en Informática para la Ingeniería (CIII), Facultad Regional Córdoba de la Univesidad Tecnológica Naciona...
r98 - 19 May 2014 - 15:18 by MartinPucheta
Respuesta a una consulta sobre compiladores PGI Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2001 16:14:30 0300 From: Heriberto Fabio Busnengo To: mstorti(at) Sub...
r2 - 21 Nov 2007 - 18:49 by MarioStorti
LOG DE NOVEDADES 2018 * 2018 12 10 ANUNCIO DE SEMINARIO: Simulación VOF de atomización aplicada a inyección de combustibles. César Pairetti, ingeniero mecán...
r9 - 14 Feb 2020 - 13:28 by MarioStorti
Enief 2009: Sesión Mecánica de Fluidos Esta sesión está orientada a la difusión de investig maciones y desarrollos originales en métodos numéricos aplicados a la ...
NEW - 06 Apr 2009 - 12:30 by TWikiGuest
Main.JavierGonzalez 18 Jan 2024 Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina Curso Mecánica de Fluidos Responsables: Gustavo R...
NEW - 18 Jan 2024 - 20:10 by JavierGonzalez
Universidad Nacional del LitoralFacultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias HídricasDoctorado en IngenieríaMecánica de Sólidos Objetivos Introducción a los elementos pri...
r61 - 18 Sep 2020 - 13:11 by VictorFachinotti
Universidad Nacional del Litoral Centro de Investigación de Métodos Computacionales Mecánica Racional Novedades * 02 08 18: El curso se dictará dependiendo ...
r23 - 17 Aug 2018 - 20:47 by AlbertoCardona
Desarrollo en métodos numéricos Investigadores participantes: N. Calvo, A. Cardona, S.Idelsohn, V. Sonzogni, M. Storti En esta línea incluimos tópicos tales como:...
NEW - 17 May 2007 - 20:07 by JorgeAlbornoz
Curso de Posgrado: Métodos Iterativos para la Solución de Grandes Sistemas de Ecuaciones Lineales y No Lineales Novedades * 2011 04 01 08:00:56 El curso co...
r16 - 23 Aug 2011 - 15:37 by RodrigoPaz
Universidad Nacional del Litoral Facultad de Ingenierí­a y Ciencias Hídricas Materia: Mecánica Computacional Novedades!! * 2011 AGO 31 10:00 Se encuentran ...
r77 - 17 Mar 2013 - 18:45 by MarioStorti
Main.CimecUser 05 Mar 2002 Análisis dinámico de la fundación espacial de un equipo motro compresor Se realizó el análisis dinámico de la estructura de soporte de...
NEW - 05 Mar 2002 - 21:26 by CimecUser
Motor JLA * Parte interior del triptico presentado en ExpoAgro sobre el motor JLA donde el CIMEC participo de la ingenieria basica: * Parte exterior del t...
NEW - 10 Feb 2016 - 20:49 by MarioStorti
Main.LauraBattaglia 29 Sep 2006 # mpdboot n 23 f ~/mpd.hosts # mpdtrace # mpdringtest # mpiexec machinefile ~/machi.dat np 21 hola.exe # pdsh a hostname # ...
r4 - 05 Sep 2014 - 23:10 by MarioStorti
Main.JorgeDElia 11 Mar 2005 % MPICH 1.2.6 installation. The Fortran part is with both g77 and g95 cd username tar zxovf mpich.tar.gz mv mpich 1.2.6 mpich 1.2.6 ...
NEW - 11 Mar 2005 - 19:14 by JorgeDElia
Main.JorgeDElia 21 Jun 2006 MPICH2 1.0.3 EN AQUILES: 1. Sobre las diferencias entre las tres instalaciones: /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 in...
r4 - 05 Sep 2014 - 23:13 by MarioStorti
Main.JorgeDElia 21 Jun 2006 MPICH2 1.0.3 EN AQUILES: 1. Sobre las diferencias entre las tres instalaciones: /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 /usr/local/mpich2 1.0.3 inte...
r2 - 22 Jun 2006 - 21:38 by JorgeDElia
Main.TWikiGuest 21 Oct 2008 # The undocumented switch disable aio is used as was suggested by the developers (bug report #2524 sent to the "mpich2 maint@mcs...
r4 - 05 Sep 2014 - 23:11 by MarioStorti
Main.LauraBattaglia 21 Oct 2008 # The undocumented switch disable aio is used as was suggested by the # developers (bug report #2524 sent to the "mpich2 maint@mc...
r2 - 21 Oct 2008 - 13:55 by TWikiGuest
Doctorado en Mecánica Computacional Multifísica en el CIMEC con becas del CONICET Estudiantes universitarios en el ÚLTIMO AÑO o GRADUADOS interesados en hacer un ...
r14 - 22 Jul 2021 - 16:37 by MarioStorti
MECOM 2012, MULTI PHYSICS SESSION CALL FOR PAPERS Special session on Multi Physics to be held at MECOM 2012, X Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional, Sal...
r2 - 18 Apr 2017 - 17:07 by MarioStorti
Warning: ENIEF 2011 is already over, this material is left here for reference ENIEF 2011, MULTI PHYSICS SESSION CALL FOR PAPERS Special session on Multi Ph...
r4 - 13 Apr 2013 - 13:36 by MarioStorti
ENIEF 2013, MULTI PHYSICS SESSION CALL FOR PAPERS Special session on Multi Physics to be held at ENIEF 2013, XX Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicacio...
NEW - 13 Apr 2013 - 13:38 by MarioStorti
ENIEF 2017, MULTI PHYSICS SESSION CALL FOR PAPERS Special session on Multi Physics to be held at ENIEF 2017, XXIII Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplica...
NEW - 18 Apr 2017 - 18:35 by MarioStorti
MECOM 2018, MULTI PHYSICS SESSION CALL FOR PAPERS Special session on Multi Physics to be held at MECOM 2018, XII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Comutacional, Sa...
NEW - 22 Feb 2018 - 20:18 by MarioStorti
The code is here and can be downloaded from the link below also. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #inclu...
NEW - 18 Apr 2002 - 21:27 by MarioStorti
Norberto Nigro's Home Page Coordinates: * Ordinary mail * CIMEC, Predio Conicet Dr Alberto Cassano Colectora Ruta Nac 168 s/n Paraje El Pozo(3000) Sa...
r11 - 02 Dec 2015 - 12:27 by CimecUser
Novedades anteriores * 2011 12 28 ANUNCIO DE SEMINARIO: "Análisis de sensibilidad topológica: concepto, estado del arte y principales aplicaciones en ingenie...
r3 - 05 Mar 2012 - 23:26 by MarioStorti
* 13 10 2007 10:15 El 2do parcial se realizará el próximo jueves 16/8, con una modalidad similar a la empleada para el 1er parcial. El examen estará disponible d...
r2 - 13 Apr 2010 - 10:28 by MarioStorti
Dictado 2014 * 2014 04 11 12:34:48 El horario del curso cambió a los viernes de 900 a 1230hs. Se dictará en la Sala de Reuniones del CIMEC. * 2014 03 14...
r4 - 25 Feb 2015 - 11:23 by MarioStorti
Dictado 2007 * 10 05 2007 16:50 Está la GTP 3 (GMRes) (guia gmres.tgz) * 24 04 2007 12:50 Está la GTP 2 (CG) (guia cg.tgz) * 17 04 2007 09:58 Está ...
r3 - 01 Apr 2011 - 11:00 by MarioStorti
Anteriores Novedades en la pag. de MetodosNumericosYSimulacion * 2006 DEC 05 14:06 La fecha de recuperatorio será el viernes 15 de diciembre a las 14:0...
r4 - 23 Dec 2006 - 13:44 by MarioStorti
Results with the NSFVM GPU code These results have been obtained with a Finite Volume scheme on structured grids that rin on GPU hardware. More details on the alg...
NEW - 04 Jul 2012 - 12:09 by MarioStorti
OCS system for Enief 2007 is down The Open Conference Systems installation that was available at this site ( was closed. The papers at the confer...
NEW - 23 Feb 2008 - 19:50 by TWikiGuest
Mini Symposium on Thermo Fluid Dynamics at CILAMCE PANACM 2021 Short URL to this page: Call for Papers We invite you to submit high quality r...
r3 - 10 Apr 2021 - 17:09 by MarioStorti
II Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics and XIII World Congress in Computational Mechanics New York, 22 27 July 2018. Mini Symposia on Free Surfac...
r2 - 19 Feb 2021 - 15:32 by MarioStorti
PETSc FEM: A General Purpose, Parallel, Multi Physics FEM Program. Scope: This is PETSc FEM, a general purpose, parallel, multi physics FEM (Finite Element Metho...
r18 - 09 Mar 2020 - 15:24 by MarioStorti
Finite element simulation of a tube with large displacement formulation This video shows a Finite Element simulation of the deformation of a hollow tube of a sof...
r5 - 08 Jul 2018 - 19:48 by MarioStorti
PETScFEM Hydrology module Elevation of the freatic aquifer in the Cululu basin (Santa Fe, Argentina). The finite element mesh is superimposed. The regions of high...
r2 - 12 Apr 2012 - 11:14 by MarioStorti
CFD results obtained with PETScFEM (page 1) * PETSc FEM results page 2 * PETSc FEM results page 3 * PETSc FEM results page 4 * Results in Hydrology ...
r41 - 14 Mar 2018 - 15:28 by MarioStorti
CFD results obtained with PETScFEM (page 2) * PETSc FEM results page 1 * PETSc FEM results page 3 * PETSc FEM results page 4 * Results in Hydrology ...
r4 - 14 Mar 2018 - 15:30 by MarioStorti
CFD results obtained with PETScFEM (page 3) * PETSc FEM results page 1 * PETSc FEM results page 2 * PETSc FEM results page 4 * Results in Hydrology ...
r5 - 14 Mar 2018 - 15:32 by MarioStorti
CFD results obtained with PETScFEM (page 4) * PETSc FEM results page 1 * PETSc FEM results page 2 * PETSc FEM results page 3 * Results in Hydrology ...
r6 - 14 Mar 2018 - 15:48 by MarioStorti
PETScFEM Results: Truss network simulations This animation shows a network of 20x20x20 cubes. For each cube truss was inserted at each edge, face diagonal, and c...
r6 - 20 Sep 2010 - 13:25 by MarioStorti
Gauss solution on the cluster: system size n RAM for matrix A r = 8*n^2/1e6 processor number z RAM of matrix A on each node d = r/z A on...
NEW - 01 Sep 2001 - 17:04 by CimecUser
Mario, A "grosso modo", te paso los resultados de 2 corridas del Linpack Benchmark, para n=1000 en el Nodo1 del cluster: g77 O2 funroll all loops o 1000d_g77.e...
NEW - 01 Sep 2001 - 17:08 by CimecUser
Utilities for parallel computation * dyntest: There are two versions around of the Linpack benchmarck (both can be downloaded from ). The ...
r2 - 19 Aug 2010 - 11:14 by MarioStorti
The Parra Cluster at Univ. de Santiago de Chile During a ten day visit at Santiago, in the context of an international project supported by Fundación Andes (Chile...
r6 - 19 Apr 2002 - 23:50 by MarioStorti
Main.JorgeDElia 25 Feb 2002 Ejemplo de script "mpihello.pbs" para usar en el PBS: qsub q corta mpihello.pbs qstat a donde "mpihello.pbs" contiene lo siguie...
NEW - 25 Feb 2002 - 19:21 by JorgeDElia
Number of topics: 50
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